Once you log in to our Shop Local account, if BIA Cordon Bleu has approved your account you may:
View BIA Cordon Bleu wholesale pricing ($US or $CAD).
View stock.
Download price lists, catalogs, and forms.
Edit your store information that appears in the Find a Store tool.
Access 100's of product photographs that you can use for your business needs.
Are you a current wholesale customer that would like dealer access to our Shop Local account?
If you do not have one already, please first sign up for a free Shop Local account. Please note: Shop Local is for members of the trade (i.e. retailers, sales reps, interior designers, etc.).
Once you log in to your Shop Local account, please find our business on the platform and request wholesale access. If approved, we'll grant your Shop Local profile access.
We encourage each person at a business to have their own Shop Local staff login and password. If you are unsure if your company has a Shop Local account, please enter your email here. If you are unsure if your businesses has access to our Shop Local platform, please message us here.